Thursday, May 26, 2011

has he texted yet?

As bored as i am, and finding nothing else to do this summer apart from going online, facebook-ing and twitter-ing... i've resorted to reading OLD magazines. In CANDY MAGAZINE's October 2008 issue (yes 3 yrs ago =p),  i read an article about girls waiting for guys to reply to their texts.  
via fashionoverhype 
It's a common dilemma  for all girls out there, you know becoming frustrated, upset, annoyed, sad... wondering WHY he hasn't texted yet!  After all, we're girls... we think too much, we're sensitive (well most of us are), and of course, we want to feel important especially to people we love or care for. And receiving late replies, or worse, receiving none, does not at all suffice our wanting to "feel important". 

The article presented ways as to how we distract ourselves, or better yet make our time more worthwhile instead of sulking while waiting for his text.

As candy mag says: 

"Who cares? you've got at least 17 better things to do than wait for his text!"

Warning: (Some suggestions are so 3 yrs ago, but you'll get the idea. =))
  1. Thumb wrestle with your little brother.
  2. Download one picture of a cutie a day as your phone wallpaper. that'll teach him!
  3. Change his name in your phonebook to "Evil Spawn"
  4. Invite the gang to a gossip girl marathon. one look into chuck / nate / dan's eyes and you'll forget about what's-his-face
  5. Admire your pores through a magnifying mirror.
  6. Find out if you ARE smarter than a fifth grader.
  7. Volunteer at PAWS and rescue aspins (asong pinoy) from becoming pulutans.
  8. Belt out The Corrs' "I Never Really Loved You Anyway" at the top of your lungs, take a video, and post in on YouTube.
  9. Plan your head-to-toe wardrobe for a month.
  10. Analyze the difference between crunchy and crispy.
  11. Learn to say "jerk" in various languages.
  12. Download free language podcasts so you can breezily reply when he calls: "Je suis desolee, mais qui est-ce que tu?" (Sorry, who's this?)
  13. Watch the courtship rituals of penguins and wonder why human boys are less evolved than a waddling bird.
  14. Knit cell phone cases for your whole family.
  15. Poll everyone on whose make-up looks better: Ashlee's or Pete's.
  16. Create a countdown calendar of movies you can't wait to see.
  17. Start making your Christmas list. NON-TEXTERS DON'T MAKE THE LIST! =)

SOOON =p (via

I haven't been in a relationship. i probably haven't been in love. But being in the CELLPHONE ERA, i've had my fair share of "text friends"I've waited and (secretly) got annoyed at delayed responses. And i most likely will still feel so in the months or years to come but hey... i'll remember to do these 17 things by heart and maybe, nah, 
I KNOW i'll be fine. =))

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