Friday, November 11, 2011

cute little things

my sister went to hong kong and brought home these cute little things. 
tadaaa. the mini donuts are actually lip balms. left one is strawberry, the right is kiwi.  =)
  chopsticks from hk and ofcourse, wouldn't be complete without the famous disney mouse
this is a nail cutter minnie. nailcutter mickey is downstairs.

i love my eyes. *_*

No, I'm not vain. I never was. Maybe one day I will be. But right now, i just really like what the make-up artist did with my eyes for the graduation picture taking and that's why i'm taking these vanity shots. (P.S. pictorial ended three hours ago, i'm home,  i've changed into my house clothes... but i still have my eye make up on. it's too pretty, i don't want to take it off! =p) 

Saturday, November 05, 2011

lifeless life

This is my weekly schedule for the coming semester. As you can see it's quite full. and sadly, no more weekends for me. =( I know we have been practicing deadly school schedules for the past school years / semesters, but this is the by far craziest! This is not just deadly, this itself is DEATH. So much for saving the best for last! haha. But it's okay. I'll get through. I know i will. So help me God. =)