With the other day's enrollment, came the list of new RLE (Related Learning Experience) groupings for the coming school year. I was a little bit cheerless because i so badly wanted to be groupmates with some people. But this morning, i realized, NEW groupings means no more group1... no more halooowwhaaa. =(
understanding a different perspective of life at operation second chance center |
Being together for a whole year, this was the longest we've all been in an RLE group. My whole 3rd year life, i was stuck with them. I've seen these people more than anyone else in class. I see them at an average of 5 times a week and I talk to them more than i talk to anyone, even my closest friends. 3rd year was one hell of a year, with research and everything. These are the people where the line "We're all in this together" truly applies, whether we liked it or not! =)
This post is dedicated to these people, my group mates, who made a difference in my life in the past school year, my little way of saying thank you for all they've done, whether they know it or not.
Yes, she is everyone's ate. She may have reached her 20s earlier than the rest of us, but she's not at all different. In the one whole year our group has spent together, i think te monic has truly been herself. We saw her when she was scared, ratol, kulba and just plainly happy... we even saw how irresistible she is, especially to her patients' significant others (SOs).. haha. joke lang. Inspite her Lolo Gets and Doña Aguida roots, she has always been humble and sharing. She's also one of those who made our group's 3rd yr crises easier to handle, being one of the reasons for the laughters we all shared. And lastly, she is our favorite song writer. Through her, lyrics of the songs we sing have always been different, and unforgettable! =)
I'll never run out of adjectives for Marsyl. To name a few, she' smart & responsible. She'll never complain and she get things done even at the last minute. She's generous of her things, her knowledge, and especially her time. She's there to present herself to help you in whatever, and when she says "ako nlang ana cao", it would always mean there's nothing to worry about. She's very simple. I admire her religiosity, how she always give time for praise and worship! She's very humble and so true to herself and to others. When she doesn't know which shade of lipstick to use, she tells you and laugh with her exceptional laugh! =) Also, she's very loyal to her crush(es) - mark ... she defends them no matter what others say! hehe =)
Funny is an understatement for Mikko. No one knows what goes through his mind, but surely it's something that'll keep you laughing. Or maybe, he doesn't even think at all... he's just being mikko. He's done crazy things involving everything from virusan, to being a "redcross member" in college, to napes (wink2x). (~_!) The whole time we were group mates, i was at ease for i know that no matter who our clinical instructor (CI) will be, we'll always get through because we have him. Not just because of his comic stories, not even his pagkabuotan, or responsible...but more than anything else, it's because he's smart and he will always find a way out even if it was "kiki" he is faced with! He's one person who's tough & vulnerable at the same time. =)
Pat2x is one of the kindest members of the group. I'm thankful for having her for she's one who never complains. She is selfless. She's more than generous and never the "mangwenta" type. If she's tasked to do something, she'll do it even if it means putting off her own assignments/projects. She saw how "rude" i can be in groupworks but i think (or i hope) she never judged me or kept grudges. =) She, however, has been misunderstood many times. For others who doesn't know her, she is hard to understand. Well, it's true. It's hard to decipher what she thinks since she usually just listens. But when she speaks, she sure has something to say. Above anything else, i admire her faith and i admire how beautifully she talks about God. =)
My best OR partner! although we never did the actual pre-conference thing, our few rounds of practice (which we did oh-so-well!) were enough for me to know that there is more to hwang than what his usually blank facade shows. Although he is naive, and innocent, it is without a doubt that he's smart. He may seem like he doesn't care & he just wants to get things done, but when the need arises, he'll never hesitate to do more than what he wants to. We all know how he dislikes staying inside the DR after his case, but when he was badly needed, he stayed and didn't go out!! =) He was never selfish of his house, his car, even his furikaki! hehe. He doesn't talk much, but his sincere smiles would let you know that indeed, he is a friend for keeps. =)
I don't know what was in the 1st sem that made Doce so hard to deal with. Maybe it was coz my emotions were influenced by someone else's =), or its just that she really hated becoming leader! haha. 2nd sem totally changed everything though. I've appreciated the kind of person she is. She's so easy to talk to. She knows how to read between the lines you speak & will give you that knowing smile. I appreciate how shes so honest about everything she tells you, even her heartbreaks. Although she's sometimes "way buot", she's smart & it shows in the way she speaks. She's a self-confessed (slightly) activist, and i envy how she is able to strongly voice out her thoughts especially when she knows she's right. And yeah, she's our one-and-only beauty queen! =)
These are the 4 other members of the group: Darcy Lizette Reroma, Eunice May Alda, Nicole Ingrid Hibionada & Lesgard John Gonzalez. I wouldn't say a lot because we still have a year to face together. Yes, we're still groupmates and if there is something im happy about, it's that im left with these people to continue taking the hard road ahead. These guys are no less than the 6 other people i talked about above, BUT no dramas... Just "see you everyday next sem!" alrights?! =)
who cares if we weren't best... what matters is, we always had FUN! =) |
We've never had those planned laags/outings... not even dinner. Although we've been to places together, it always had something to do with group works. But one thing is for sure, wherever we are and whatever we needed to do, we always had fun. We've had stories only we can relate to, we've formed a language only we can understand. We talk about a lot of things, even about exercising and staying fit while eating! IRONIC? haha.. We may not be the best group there is (though we teasingly insist we are), but who cares, we've shared LAUGHTER more than we eat... and boy do we eat a lot! (bisag tihik tah. haha).
Thank you for such a great year guys. It's been tough. We've had our misunderstandings.. though they were never very serious, but i'd like to say sorry for the tactless words i've spoken, for things i may have done that displeased you. I'm going to miss all of you. I'm going to miss us.
But just like the name we made to call ourselves, hallooowwhaa my dearest groupmates.
Always halooowwhaaa, never goodbye.
♥ lots, DUCAO. (^_^)
I'd like to say sorry for being so hard to deal with, for being so maldita and saputon. I'm sorry if i was pabadlung, paugat, demanding and soooo hasul. I wanted things to end up how i wanted it to end up... and i "damay-d" you in my OCness. Thank you for being patient with me. Bitaw, i know basing on your faces, you guys don't keep grudges. But whatever your hurts are, i'd like to say sorry. =)
But more importantly, CONGRATS to us. this may be very very late, but we made it! Our entire research journey was unbelievable and only we can understand how it was like and how it felt. But one thing is for sure, we're all happy to say "we conquered research, we made it and we're so done with it! (at the moment)". =)